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NSW Hepatitis C Strategy 2022-2025 launched

NSW Hepatitis C Strategy 2022-2025 launched

Hepatitis NSW welcomes the launch, by NSW Health, of the new NSW Hepatitis C Strategy 2022-2025. We appreciate having had the opportunity to participate in the consultation process.

The new Strategy comes at a timely moment to create new momentum in the drive to elimination; a drive that has been diminished over the last two years as a result of the redirections of attention and resources to deal with the COVID pandemic. As we learn to live with the pandemic and the changes it has wrought on the way we work and access testing and treatment, we need to regroup and make up for this lost time.

The inclusion of a stand alone “Stigma and Discrimination” pillar in the strategy is a significant and welcome development. Stigma and discrimination are major barriers to accessing health services and game changing treatments. It is appropriate that it be given equal billing to the other pillars, to increase visibility of this pervasive issue.

On a note closer to home, we are thrilled that the important role played by peer workers has been recognisised in the strategy and can – and will – be able to continue in the push to elimination. Hepatitis NSW has developed and maintained strong, well regarded and valued peer promotion program over many years. The inclusion of the peer workforce as a key action area under the ”Prevention” pillar is a testament to our efforts in this space to date.

Hepatitis NSW looks forward to working with our partners in the BBV/STI community – Local Health Districts, community organisations, service providers , and the Ministry of Health – to successfully deliver on the Strategy’s goals, targets and actions on the way to elimination in NSW by 2028.

Read/download NSW Heaptitis C Strategy 2022-2025 >>>CLICK HERE

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