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#HEPCURED is our NSW state-wide health promotion and awareness campaign to spread the word about hep C testing, treatment, and to encourage people to get cured of hepatitis C.

Images and copy text from our 2023 HEP CURED Social Media Kit are available for download below. The digital assets in this kit have been developed for our NSW Local Health District partners and other collaborative stakeholders to promote the #HEPCURED campaign. They are available for use to promote your Hepatitis Awareness Week activities throughout July 2023 for your organisational social media posts, emails and newsletters.

You can also download the GET HEP CURED article for recommended copy text providing an overview of hepatitis C, testing, treatment and cure within the #HEPCURED campaign. You can edit the copy as required to include your local contacts, events and information.

#HEPCURED Mobile Mural

Do you know about our #HEPCURED Mobile Mural?
As part of the campaign, find out about our travelling billboard artwork on the back of a truck, which is getting the #HEPCURED message on the road, into communities across NSW, for people to see. The Mobile Mural is touring NSW between 17 July-4 August 2023.

Check out its itinerary and find out about the social media competition >>>


Contact:  Saysana Sirimanotham — Hepatitis NSW Campaigns Project Officer — via [email protected]


Post/tweet these image files — download and refer to facebook-twitter.docx for text to copy/paste with image.

TEXT  |  DOWNLOAD >>> couple.png
The new #hepC treatment is a game changer. Over 95% of people get cured with very few side-effects. Get #HEPCURED in just 8 or 12 weeks. Take the first step to cure your #hepC today http://hepC.org.au
TEXT  |  DOWNLOAD >>> family.png
You might have put off #hepC testing and treatment. Curing your #hepC means you don’t have to worry about passing it on to your partner, friends, or family. If you’re cured, the worry is gone. Talk to us now http://hepC.org.au
TEXT  |  DOWNLOAD >>> fistbump.png
Everyone has the right to get #HEPCURED. Talk to us now to take the first step. Find a place to get tested and treated for #hepC. Talk to us now http://hepC.org.au
TEXT  |  DOWNLOAD >>> mates.png
You may have heard stories or old info about #hepC testing and treatment. Now it’s just pills, no injections, 8 or 12 weeks. Take the first step to cure your #hepC today. Talk to us now http://hepC.org.au



To include hep C treatment messaging at the bottom of your emails, use any of these images and hyperlink the email footer to http://hepc.org.au to direct traffic to the HEP CURED website.

^ DOWNLOAD>>> HEPCURED-footer_mates.png ^ DOWNLOAD>>> HEPCURED-footer_fistbump.png
^ DOWNLOAD>>> HEPCURED-footer_family.png ^ DOWNLOAD>>> HEPCURED-footer_couple.png



These images and/or your own, can be used with the downloadable HEP CURED article.

Two men, one with a guitar, are pictured beside a banner reading "HEP CURED: The new treatment is a game changer."

Our peer workers are invaluable at building a bridge between members of the community and clinical staff, explaining the testing process and benefits of hep C cure.

A mobile mural on the back of a truck reads, "HEP CURED: New treatment, game changer."

The HEP CURED mobile mural – a bold visual billboard artwork mounted to the back of a truck takes the campaign message on the road around greater Sydney and regional NSW.

GET the article  ^ DOWNLOAD HEPCURED-2023-01.jpg GET the article  | ^ DOWNLOAD HEPCURED-2023-02.jpg

A mobile mural on the back of a truck reads, "HEP CURED: New treatment, game changer."

The HEP CURED mobile mural – a bold visual billboard artwork mounted to the back of a truck takes the campaign message on the road around greater Sydney and regional NSW.

A mobile mural on the back of a truck reads, "HEP CURED: New treatment, game changer."

Seen the HEP CURED mobile mural? Snap and post your pic up on your social media for your chance to win 1 in 3 $100 gift card competition prizes.

GET the article  ^ DOWNLOAD HEPCURED-2023-03.jpg GET the article  ^ DOWNLOAD HEPCURED-2023-04.jpg

Two peer workers are pictured wearing t-shirts reading "HEP CURED: The new treatment is a game changer."

Our peer workers are invaluable at building a bridge between members of the community and clinical staff, explaining the testing process and benefits of hep C cure.

Healthcare workers and peer workers stand in front of a mobile mural on the back of a truck that reads, "HEP CURED: New treatment, game changer."

Hepatitis NSW raises HEP CURED awareness – collaborating with all NSW Local Health Districts (LHDs) to deliver local events connected to the campaign.

GET the article  ^ DOWNLOAD HEPCURED-2023-05.jpg GET the article  ^ DOWNLOAD HEPCURED-2023-06.jpg

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