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Hepatitis C and Men Who Have Sex With Men

Hepatitis C and Men Who Have Sex With Men

Home All About Hep C Hep C and You Hepatitis C and Men Who Have Sex With Men
Hepatitis C and Men Who Have Sex With Men

It is estimated that up to 5% of gay men and men who have sex with other men have hep C, compared with 1% of the general population.

You can read our Hep C and Sex factsheet, or the Positive Life Sex, Drugs and Hep C factsheet for more info.

Can you get hepatitis C during sex?

Hepatitis C is not an STI (sexually transmissible infection). However, if you have sex where there is blood involved, there is a small chance transmission might be possible. If you are a man who has sex with men, the risk is higher. The risk is increased if one or more partners has HIV, or if the sex involves blood-to-blood contact, of if they have other STIs, or if recreational drugs are used.

How can you reduce the risk of sexual transmission?

There are a few ways men can reduce the risk of passing on or getting hep C during sex:

What if I don’t want to use condoms?

Some men choose not to use condoms when having sex with other men who believe they have the same HIV status. This is called sero-sorting and can further increase people’s risk of contracting hep C and STI’s.

Learn more about hep C, sex and HIV

For more information about sex and hep C, phone the Hepatitis Infoline, view our detailed hep C page or contact your local Sexual Health Clinic.

You can also learn more about HIV/AIDS by connecting with ACON.

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