Hepatitis B is a virus which is one of the leading causes of cancer worldwide.

In Australia, vaccines and treatments for Hepatitis B are provided to children when they are born to give them lifelong immunity. However, those born overseas who didn’t receive the vaccine are more at risk.

In this video, follow Wei’s personal story as he talks about learning to live with the virus from a young age.

Wei shares his belief that he thinks it is important to get tested early to make sure they can get treatment before they get liver damage.

Hepatitis B can be managed once diagnosed and treatment is covered by Medicare for all Australian citizens.

This video is part of Hepatitis NSW’s Digital Storytelling Project.

This project is supported by a community grant under the Hepatitis B Community Education Project administered by Hepatitis Australia and funded from the Australian Government, Department of Health under the Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Prevention Program.