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The Hepatitis Infoline 1800 803 990 offers free information, support and referrals across NSW. It’s a confidential and non-judgemental call from landlines and from prisons.

Why call the Hepatitis NSW Infoline?

The Hepatitis Infoline is staffed by people who are experienced and know a lot about hep B and C, which means they’re able to give you the support and information you need.

Our free and confidential Hepatitis Infoline is for people who live in NSW and:

Whether you, or someone you know, has been recently diagnosed, or you’d like to share your hep B or C experience with someone who understands, we welcome your call today.

Hepatitis Infoline opening hours

To speak to someone about hepatitis B or C, call our Hepatitis Infoline during the opening hours we’ve listed below:

It is closed on weekends. Outside these hours, we have a recorded information service and you can leave your number so that one of our workers can call you back.

“I felt a lot better after talking to someone. There aren’t that many people to talk to about hep C so this was great, actually.”

An Infoline Caller

Can’t call right now?

E-Info is a NSW-wide information and support service for people affected by hep B or C. It is free, confidential and non-judgemental. It enables you to ask us a question 24/7 … unlike our Live Support service, which is available during normal office hours and is live and immediate.

With E-Info, we try to reply to your email as soon as possible but it might take a day or two in order for us to provide the information you seek.

You can email your hep question for:

If for any reason you feel that E-Info is not working properly, please call us on 1800 803 990 and let us know.

E-Info is a service for people living in NSW, Australia.

Submit Us A Question

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