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Fibroscan of The Liver

Fibroscan of The Liver

Fibroscan of The Liver

A fibroscan:

What is a liver Fibroscan?

A fibroscan of the liver is one of the tests that can be done to check on your liver. The fibroscan machine measures the stiffness of your liver. It does this by measuring the speed of a vibration (pulse) that travels through your liver.

Why would you need a Fibroscan?

A fibroscan will show your doctor or nurse how healthy your liver is. It can also tell the doctor or nurse how much damage there is.

How is a Fibroscan performed?

When you get a fibroscan, you will be asked to lie down on a table so the operator can scan your liver area. The fibroscan will send a pulse through your liver, a bit like an ultrasound. You hardly notice the pulse and about 10 pulses are measured. A fibroscan doesn’t involve needles and doesn’t hurt.

How long does a Fibroscan take?

A fibroscan doesn’t take long, the whole examination takes around 15 minutes.

What do Fibroscan scores mean?

The higher your score, the more likely that your liver has fibrosis or cirrhosis.

Also check out our hepatitis C testing chart>>

Get in touch with the Hepatitis Infoline for more information

Want to know more about liver fibroscans, hep C testing or liver health in general? Call the Hepatitis Infoline today for more information.

For detailed information about Fibroscans, see our factsheet>>

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