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Hepatitis C Treatment

Hepatitis C Treatment

Home All About Hep C Hepatitis C Treatment

Can hepatitis C be cured? YES, IT CAN BE!

There are now a range of new hep C treatments available – the new cures:

This means that now is a great time to think about treating and curing your hep C!

What are the New Cures For Hep C?

The new cures for hep C are different to the previous treatments that were available before 2016. Now around 95%, or more, of people who take them are cured, even if your hep C has resulted in liver cirrhosis.

The first line cures for hep C currently are:

Who Can Access The Cures?

Hep C cures are now available to everyone in Australia who has hep C.* The national and state governments want everyone with hep C to be cured, including prisoners and people who inject drugs. Now is a very good time to consider testing for hep C or speaking to your doctor about the hep C cures.

*Cures are available to people who have a Medicare Card or Health Care Concession Card and who aren’t hospital inpatients.

You might be able to access healthcare and the cures via your computer or phone. Click here to learn more about Telehealth and Hep C >>

Why Cure Hep C?

Curing your hep C clears the virus from your body. It reduces liver inflammation and can help reverse fibrosis and even cirrhosis.

Live free from the worry of hep C – knowing that you no longer have hep C can help you feel better about yourself. For example, you may no longer feel worried about passing hep C to other people. There has been no better time to think about hep C treatment.

Find out more about the benefits of clearing hep C – call the Hepatitis Infoline.

Hep C can be cured: GRACE

Grace talks about her experience of being cured of hepatitis C with new, highly effective treatments. There’s never been a better time to be cured of hep C. [1 minute 5 seconds]

What Will My Doctor Need to Know To Treat Me?

If you want to be assessed for treatment, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. They will be mostly interested in the condition of your liver. Your doctor will organise, if possible, for you to have a  Fibroscan examination. If Fibroscan is not available, your doctor will probably use an APRI test. This is an online calculator that estimates the health of your liver. It involves a blood test called a liver function test.

Don’t forget, it’s very important to get a PCR test 12 weeks after finishing treatment – this will mean the doctor can make sure you are cured.

Find Out More About Treating and Curing Hep C

There has been no better time to find out about the treatments available for hep C, which can cure your condition permanently, allowing you to live hep C free.

To help you access more information about treating and curing hepatitis C, we offer the following services and resources:

The information we offer in our resources is not designed to replace professional medical advice. We inform you to provide you with the best possible pathways to accessing treatment from a professional.

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